You’re in the right place, select your state from the map above, or from the list below and see the listings for PEMF therapy practitioners in your area!
To see all of the locations for our different directories check out the main Locations page.
If you’re looking to learn more about PEMF before either visiting a practitioner or buying a device for yourself, you may find our page on PEMF Therapy helpful.
Please note that Health Mat Review is not affiliated with any of the PEMF Therapy providers in our directory.
This directory simply includes all the locations we could find that offer PEMF therapy as a service at their location, regardless of what kind of PEMF therapy or device they use & provide.
If you found our directory helpful, let us know in the comments below, it took a lot of work to build so we want to know if it helps!
As you probably saw in our directory, the closest one to Seattle we have listed would be nearby Everett.
If anyone with a clinic offering PEMF contacts us to be added to the directory I’ll add them to the listings but so far doesn’t look like we have one in Seattle!
Only other thing I can suggest is the Healthy Wave PEMF mat as you can test it out for a couple of months and still get your full money back within 90 days of purchase.
Sorry I can’t be of more help on this one!
Let us know here if you find somewhere though since it may help others if I put it in our listings database.
See how you can try advanced PEMF Therapy at home risk free!
Our top rated PEMF therapy mat the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave PEMF Mat has a 90 Day Risk Free, Full Money Back Guarantee Trial Period. Check out our review by clicking the pink button for more info!
Looking for a clinic in the Seattle area that offers the PEMF therapy beds.
Hey Joni,
thanks for leaving a comment!
As you probably saw in our directory, the closest one to Seattle we have listed would be nearby Everett.
If anyone with a clinic offering PEMF contacts us to be added to the directory I’ll add them to the listings but so far doesn’t look like we have one in Seattle!
Only other thing I can suggest is the Healthy Wave PEMF mat as you can test it out for a couple of months and still get your full money back within 90 days of purchase.
Sorry I can’t be of more help on this one!
Let us know here if you find somewhere though since it may help others if I put it in our listings database.