5G EMF Protection – EMF Guards & Protectors That Block Harmful Electromagnetic Radiation

The introduction of 5G, and widespread use of Wifi has raised further concerns around the harm caused by electromagnetic radiation in our everyday lives and is driving EMF protection to be a more and more important topic to be educated about.

With awareness & some tools we can protect ourselves from harmful EMF’s from 5G and everyday electronics and move towards restoring the body’s natural balanced electromagnetic energy level and reconnecting it with the Earth’s.

EMF Guards & Protectors

emf protection

Iyashi EMF protection is our best rated EMF protection device and they provide EMF protectors for day to day personal use, for protection from cell phones, Wifi, and larger pieces for around electronics for protection of the whole home, family & children.

Earthing Grounding & Shielding Sheet

earthing grounding shielding blanket
Earthing Blanket with EMF Shielding for sleeping & around the house

Earthing Grounding Sheets from the Healthy Wave store is our other top rated recommendation for EMF protection because of their uniquely high, 11% silver content, blocking all EMF’s from WiFi, 5G, cell phones, electronics, power lines & more, something other earthing sheets don’t do.

What Do We Know About EMF's

What Can We Predict

harmful 5G emfs

What Can We Do About 5G & Harmful EMF's?

The number one important thing we can do about this is to be well informed on the dangers of EMF‘s, with this knowledge we can do what we can to limit our EMF exposure which is now more important than ever with high frequency 5G technology while increasing our connection to the earth.

In today’s day and age however it is next to impossible to eliminate all the essential electronics we use everyday including Wifi, and thankfully there are some tools at our disposal to help protect ourselves from these EMF’s like EMF protection products and earthing, EMF shielding sheets to keep us shielded from EMF’s while sleeping or resting.

We can protect ourselves from EMF’s and maintain our health through this move to 5G & an increase in EMF’s in our everyday environments and even restore our natural earth oriented electromagnetic energy levels using EMF protection products like EMF protectors, EMF shielding blankets (earthing sheets), and by spending more time outdoors connected to the Earth, barefoot, not insulated from it by our shoes. This barefoot connection to the Earth’s negative ions is the same connection to the Earth we can get by using an earthing/grounding sheet linking us directly into the Earth’s energy.

Lets examine the following facts, research & what we can do about them.

What we need to know,

5G & Harmful EMF's

Harmful EMF exposure can be found everywhere in our daily lives and are now a greater concern with the introduction of 5G very high frequencies.

Every electronic device, most all technology really, which we use will emit its’ own EMF of varying frequency and strength including high voltage power lines. The higher the frequency and power of these signals the more damaging they can be, including all Wifi devices.

harmful emfs

The highest frequency devices are communication devices because the frequencies which they transmit information are particularly high. These include cell towers, cell phones, and even the Wifi in your home for wireless internet, these are what we want to shield ourselves from.

This is where the frequent conversation around cell phone radiation started and prompted the development of radiation protection and anti radiation devices.

Any and all of these harmful EMF’s can disrupt our body’s cells natural magnetic fields and operation and cause these cells to degenerate & malfunction causing numerous biological effects especially in people sensitive to EMF’s. Some of the first things people can notice are higher stress, fatigue, loss of sleep, aches & pains, brain fog and depression among other symptoms.

Tools, what’s available to us

EMF Protectors & Guards

What can we do to reduce the effects that these harmful EMF’s will have?

  • Avoidance (reduce use of cell phones, electronic technology etc.)
  • Use EMF protectors & guards, wear them, use on all cell phones, and use around the house
  • Use an EMF shielding earthing sheet while sleeping to block all EMF’s allow the body full rest & restoration
shieldite emf protection
Iyashi EMF Protection Devices

If you’re not using your cell phone don’t leave it in your pocket, instead on the other side of the room. Or when you’re not watching television, turn it off, don’t have it playing all day in the background.

Use devices like from Iyashi developed for EMF protection, rated our best EMF protection product, & make sure to ground your EMF protection devices often to maximize their shield strength. Use earthing sheets with high silver content like the Healthy Wave earthing sheet to block EMF’s completely while you rest. There are many options for EMF shielding, & EMF protection from cell phone radiation and anti radiation shielding for around the house so be sure to browse the shop and find the best fits for yourself.

What we need to know,

Natural, Good EMF Energy

Most people hear the word EMF and think that all EMF’s are harmful, when in fact this is not the case.

Both the Earth, and the Sun produce EMF’s and it is this natural EMF energy which has created the perfect environment here on Earth for life to thrive.

good emfs

Each cell in our bodies operates within a low frequency range of 0-30Hz and the Earth operates within this frequency band also, having a magnetic resonance frequency called the Schumann Frequency at 7.83Hz.

The problem with EMF’s produced by electronics in our modern world is that these are very high frequency EMF’s (kHz, 103 Hz), (MHz, 106 Hz), (GHz, 109 Hz) which our bodies are unused to, unable to function with and will degenerate the cells of our bodies by disrupting their natural voltage states with a high output of positive ions (free radicals).

Connection to the Earth’s EMF frequency band and abundance of negative ions have been found to be beneficial to humans in helping to align our bodies with the natural circadian rhythms & re-balancing the voltage of our cells providing a wide range of benefits.

Realizing this connection to the Earth’s energy & EMFs is as simple as being barefoot outdoors, or using a earthing sheet to ground you directly to the Earth while indoors in bed, resting, or even on your lap while you use a laptop.

Tools, what’s available to us

EMF Shielding Earthing Blankets

Earthing sheets, also known as grounding sheets, or blankets, have been around for a while and their intention is to connect us to the Earth’s energy.

They do this by grounding to the Earth, through any power outlet in your home, and transferring this grounding action through the blanket via silver woven into the fabric.

Most earthing blankets contain approximately 1 to 2% silver content to pass this energy from the Earth to your body while you rest.

EMF Shielding Earthing Sheet Blocks all EMF's from Cell Phone Demo

While this can be very beneficial, this low silver content doesn’t provide any simultaneous shielding from EMF’s in our environment.

The Healthy Wave brand has released a new product, an earthing sheet with 11% silver content which blocks all EMFs, see the demo above! 

This high silver content acts as a Faraday cage, and can actually block all EMF’s, connecting you not only to the Earth’s energy, but completely shielding you from unnatural high frequency EMF’s at the same time.

This combination provides us the best rest and body rejuvenation possible.

What we need to know,

Harmful Positive Ions from Electronics

Positive ions, despite their name can have a negative effect on our physiology, they are the counter part to beneficial negative ions, the natural anti-oxidants of the air.

When harmful high frequency EMF’s are generated by electronics, positive ions are also created as a by product and add to the negative effects experienced by bad EMF’s.

Positive ions are what create free radicals, oxidants, in our bodies which increase acidity and throw off the balance of our blood & systems, ideally we want to shield ourselves from them.

Iyashi EMF protectors will actually act as a magnet for positive ions when placed near electronics in the home, the grounding effect of Iyashi EMF protection absorbs these positive ions & discharges them into the Earth acting as a shield.

Negative ions in the air can also neutralize these positive ions and have an energizing effect on our bodies. They are found in abundance in nature near water, especially moving water, forests, and are found most lacking indoors around electronics generating positive ions.

Normal, modern life keeps us insulated from the energy of the Earth and its beneficial negative ions. Whether it’s our beds insulating us from the Earth’s energy while we sleep, or our shoes insulating us from its energy while we walk outside.

This leaves our bodies in an “unbalanced” electrical state, typically a positive state of voltage across the body, with the highest voltage being the furthest from the ground on the head.

To normalize this unnatural electrical state is quite simple, all we need is a direct connection to the Earth for it to be able to “ground” us and neutralize the free radical positive ions.

This can be achieved many ways, like by being barefoot outdoors, sleeping directly on the ground outside, or even in the comfort of our own bed if you sleep with an Earthing blanket to give you a direct connection to the Earth.

Tools, what’s available to us

Negative Ions & Umbrella Effect of Grounding to the Earth

Iyashi EMF pendants, blocks and pyramids for around the house can all absorb positive ions prevalent in our indoor environments, this is especially the case when they are grounded to a wall outlet like a pyramid or cube you can place near to electronics like a TV.

When our bodies are connected to the Earth’s energy and negative ions, this normalizes our bodies’ electrical energy balance and this is called the “Umbrella effect”.

The “umbrella effect” keeps our bodies balanced and this direct Earth connection has been shown to mitigate the effects of EMF’s in our everyday lives.

We can get this umbrella effect being outdoors, barefoot, connected to the Earth, and even for the most important healing and rejuvenation part of the day while you sleep with an earthing blanket.

We recommend the Healthy Wave Earthing Sheets because of their exceptionally high silver content (11% vs 1-2%) which provides full EMF protection in addition to the benefits of the “umbrella effect” simultaneously.

healthy wave earthing sheet emf protection

Iyashi EMF Protection Testimonials

See more reviews, and much more in depth & detailed testimonials here on the Iyashi website.

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See our Best Rated PEMF Mat!

Check out our review on the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Mat to see why we say it’s the Best PEMF Mat!

And find out how you can use the Multi-Wave mat to almost exactly replicate the Nasa PEMF Waveform!