PEMF Therapy Macro-Analysis – 7 Answers from 335 PEMF Studies

Welcome to our homepage for PEMF therapy, here we will show what we learned from our macro-analysis of 335 PEMF therapy studies and how they help answer the following quick linked topics.

Quick links,

The process,

We compiled a database of 335 PEMF Studies from Pubmed & analyzed the results
We compiled a database of 335 PEMF Studies from Pubmed & analyzed the results

Disclaimer: the copyright of all referenced PEMF studies belong to the respective authors & their associates. Health Mat Review has assimilated a large number of these studies for a macro-analysis of their PEMF properties to give ourselves & our readers greater perspective of the current PEMF therapy knowledge base.

Does PEMF therapy really work?

PEMF therapy does work and we say this because the majority of PEMF studies from our database, just over 80%, found positive results.

Disclaimer: it is the nature of what a PEMF study is investigating which determines the result to be positive, negative, or neutral, and no study found PEMF to cure any disease.

PEMF Study Results Chart

result chart of the 335 pemf studies
PEMF Results Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

The chart above shows in each vertical bar how many studies from our database belong to each result category, Positive, Neutral, Negative, etc.

As with any research study, results from some may have been inconclusive or requiring further experimentation. This is why some studies have been given a “Positive, Neutral” status, or “Positive, Negative” etc. as seen on the chart above.

Further to the disclaimer as noted above, the results of a study are dependent on the research objective.

For example, some studies may have been looking at whether or not exposure to ongoing pulsing electro-magnetic fields was harmful to individuals or to cell cultures in the lab. A positive result for this study would be only that no harm was done to the individuals or cell cultures, it would not necessarily mean that further benefits were observed.

Where did the 335 PEMF Studies find results, at what Frequencies and Intensities?

Now for the interesting stuff, where did these PEMF studies find their positive, neutral, or negative results?

That is, at what intensities and frequencies were what kind of results found?

On the following two charts we show the number of studies finding positive, neutral, or negative results within each range band denoted along the left hand side of the charts.

Results per Frequency Range

The first thing you will probably notice is the longest green bar right across the top in the lowest frequency range, from 0 to 50 Hz, this range has more than 200 positive result studies.

Along the bottom axis is the number of studies indicated by the length of the bars, and in each frequency band the colors of the bars, green, gray and black show positive, neutral and negative results respectively.

pemf study results per frequency range
PEMF Results per Frequency Range Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review
Frequency is denoted in Hz, or Hertz, 1 Hz meaning once per second, 2 Hz being twice per second, and so on. Frequency range bands indicated along the left hand side, and number of studies noted along the bottom.

The chart clearly shows that,

  • The largest number of positive results were found below 50 Hz
  • Almost all positive results of the studies were found in the first two frequency bands, from 0 to 50 Hz and from 50 to 100 Hz

This is a strong indication for those looking to buy a PEMF device to find one with flexibility in the low frequency band, below 50 Hz.

Results per Intensity Range

In this chart we see the range of intensity bands tested has a more even distribution than the frequency bands.

As with the frequency chart, the number of studies is indicated along the bottom, with the colored bars indicating how many positive, neutral and negative result studies were found in each band.

You may notice that the first two intensity bands only represent a small range of up to 1 Gauss and then up to 10 Gauss, whereas, the third band represents a range of 15 Gauss, and the fourth a range of 25 Gauss.

This shows us that there were a large number of positive results in just the very small range of 1 Gauss and below on the first band, and another large number of positive results also at low intensity levels of up to only 10 Gauss in the next band.

pemf study results per intensity range
PEMF Results per Intensity Range Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review
Magnetic Field Intensity is denoted in Gauss with intensity range bands indicated along the left hand side.

Key points from the chart above are, 

  • Positive results are found across a wide range of PEMF intensities
  • There isn’t any indication that a high intensity PEMF is more effective than low intensity
  • The heaviest distribution of positive results are in the low intensity bands, almost all between 0 up to 25 Gauss

This indicates when choosing a PEMF device that it would be wise to find one which offers low intensity settings.

We will see in the section on PEMF safety that high intensity PEMF can be safe but only at absolute minimal frequency levels. It is the combined rate of frequency and intensity which determines total energy delivered and therefore whether a PEMF can be considered safe or not.

With the effective PEMF frequency and intensity range bands in mind, I do have a best recommended PEMF product which is the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Mat.

Read more in the #1 PEMF Mat Recommendation section on this page, or on our review page, or the Healthy Wave product page at the button links below.

What is the Best PEMF Therapy?

Earlier on, a few years ago I wrote a page specifically on this topic, What is the Best PEMF Therapy, and it is still relevant today.

On that page I took into consideration 56 of the most relevant PEMF research studies I could find, and set about to see what they showed was the most effective PEMF signal, or PEMF configuration.

The main takeaway from the investigation was that,

Almost every form of PEMF therapy, regardless of waveform, frequency and intensity was effective.

Meaning that,

There is no one best PEMF signal configuration.

Now having our much larger PEMF study database, we made the same investigation, and the results, perhaps unsurprisingly, remained the same.

On the following chart, we show the positive result studies indicated by green dots, and located via their intensity level along the left hand axis, and their frequency level along the bottom axis.

intensity frequency dot chart of positive results
PEMF Therapy Intensity vs Frequency Positive Results Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

What we are seeing here are the PEMF intensity and frequency settings used in studies which provided positive results, all laid out next to each other in a graphical fashion.

Is there any pattern that we can see?

You’ll probably notice what appears like a line of dots around particular frequencies vertically or particular intensities horizontally.

This pattern however, is not only because there were many positive results coincidentally right at those numbers, but also because some studies evaluated more than one PEMF configuration but centered them around one frequency or intensity setting, resulting in the lines like we see on the chart.

The only other pattern we can see is a seemingly random distribution of where the research is finding positive results from PEMF.

Now considering the following chart, which indicates negative result studies with black dots, also located by their intensity on the vertical axis and frequency on the horizontal axis, are there any patterns to see?

intensity frequency dot chart of negative results
PEMF Therapy Intensity vs Frequency Negative Results Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

We only notice the two same things as on the positive results chart, there are some line type patterns for the same reason as with the positive result studies, but otherwise a seemingly random distribution of intensity and frequency configurations.

This leads us again toward our earlier main takeaway from the investigation of the 56 PEMF studies I made years ago, 

There is no one best PEMF signal configuration.

Also important to note, but not critical for the interpretation of the above two charts, is that studies which used extreme outlier values for frequency and intensity were excluded (just on these two charts) so that a log scale chart wasn’t required and we would be able to read the Gauss and Hertz values directly.

A log scale chart is needed when there is a huge range of difference between the lowest and highest numbers, in our case for intensity and frequency.

We made a log chart like this also, which includes all the extreme outlier values from the PEMF studies and you’ll notice that the vertical and horizontal axis are still in Gauss and Hz, but are now in a logarithmic scale.

I explain this chart in further detail on our PEMF mats page in the PEMF Flexibility section if you’re curious to read more, but see the chart here below.

intensity frequency dot chart of all results
PEMF Therapy Intensity vs Frequency Chart (log scale) from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2022 Health Mat Review

The takeaways from this chart remain the same as with the non-logarithmic charts above.

There are no real patterns to be found except for the artificial ones created by studies centering their research around just one particular frequency or intensity and otherwise the distribution of results only appears as random.

So therefore, when it comes back to the question, what really is the most effective PEMF therapy?

We can say,

There is no one best PEMF therapy signal configuration.

And our takeaway therefore remains again unchanged from all those years ago,

The best PEMF device is the one that suits your needs and budget the best.

My suggestion if you’re looking for one, is that the best PEMF device for home is the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave PEMF Mat.

This is because it offers,

  • Wide range of flexible settings within the effective PEMF frequency & intensity range bands
  • 2 effective PEMF waveforms, the sine and square wave
  • Operates fully within the safe range of the ICNIRP electromagnetic field safety chart & FDA registered
  • 90 day full money back guarantee

See our review or the product page using the buttons below.

How Does PEMF Therapy Work?

PEMF therapy alters the voltage gradient of the cells in the human body using its electro-magnetic field, and in particular has more effect on cells with an unstable voltage gradient.

The voltage gradient of a cell is important to its own function, and to its communication with neighboring cells in the body.

The following is an excerpt from a relevant PEMF therapy study looking at this exact question of How PEMF Therapy Works, find the full article here, An introduction to electromagnetic field therapy and immune function: a brief history and current status.

Section 4 How does PEMF Therapy Work excerpt from PEMF study
Excerpt from Section 4. How does EMF Therapy work? of:An introduction to electromagnetic field therapy and immune function: a brief history and current status” authored by Christina L. Ross and Benjamin S. Harrison. Copyright to these respective authors.

From the study excerpt above,

“The mechanism for action of EMF on cells and tissues is based on how cells can both generate EMF endogenously and detect EMF exogenously.”

This statement means that the effect of EMF on cells is based on how cells generate EMFs internally and how they detect EMFs externally

The excerpt also explains that cells communicate with each other and interact with their environment and do this using several mechanisms depending on the type of cell tissue & the information being communicated.

It also explains a cell may have an unstable voltage gradient for many reasons including but not limited to growth, injury and microbial invasion.

PEMF therapy can help restore a healthy voltage gradient to cells in the body, and to each of the 200 different kinds of cells in the body this balancing will have a different effect.

Examples of the effects of PEMF on different cells

The balancing of a cell’s voltage gradient by PEMF will have different effects on different cell types, two such examples of this balancing are as follows:

The results from these examples and the study excerpt above show that PEMF therapy has the same voltage gradient stabilizing effect on all cell types of the body, and it’s the different functions of the cells which cause the benefits to differ.

Benefits of PEMF therapy, What is it Good for?

PEMF Therapy is good for improving cellular functions, and as we have seen from our pool of studies PEMF can have benefits for: 

  • Bone healing
  • Pain relief
  • Inflammation
  • Brittle bones
  • Back pain
  • Cartilage growth
  • Arthritis
  • Blood flow / heart / cardio
  • Fractures
  • Tendons 
  • Wound healing
  • Nerve damage
  • Chronic pain
  • Skin healing
  • Bone healing
  • Pain relief
  • Inflammation
  • Brittle bones
  • Back pain
  • Cartilage growth
  • Arthritis
  • Blood flow / heart / cardio
  • Fractures
  • Tendons 
  • Wound healing
  • Nerve damage
  • Chronic pain
  • Skin healing

In the 335 research papers many topics were studied with the majority finding positive results; meaning that this list of the benefits of PEMF isn’t quite comprehensive.

As stated earlier, positive results in the research studies don’t mean PEMF therapy can cure an ailment or disease, they simply show that PEMF can help the cells of the body to function more optimally in their normal cellular functions.

This is why the list of the benefits of PEMF is actually so long, because it’s the cells of the body which are causing the benefits, and the PEMF that is helping them to optimize their functions.

What topics did the 335 PEMF Studies investigate?

The PEMF studies in our database investigated all the topics noted on the PEMF Tags chart below.

The bullet list in the above section of potential benefits of PEMF is from the tags in this chart, which shows how many studies investigated a particular topic.

tags of the 335 pemf research studies
PEMF Tags Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

We can use this list of tags as an approximation list of the benefits of PEMF because as you saw in the Does PEMF Therapy Really Work section, over 80% of the studies discovered a positive benefit in the application of PEMF.

Research studies like the ones in our PEMF database can be incredibly specific about what they are investigating, therefore the list of tags in the above chart are general topic tags we added as an extra classification system.

This extra topical tag classification system provided us the PEMF Tag chart above, and allows better search function for our PEMF Study Explorer.

PEMF for Humans

PEMF therapy has been widely studied on humans as well as on animals, according to the studies from our database.

Not all studies will have been performed on actual people, but many on human cell cultures as well as animal cell cultures.

The chart below demonstrates the distribution of human category and animal category studies as well as 1 plant study which was included.

pemf tags for animal, plant, human from the 335 pemf studies
PEMF Study Subject Tag Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

From the 335 studies of the database, and as seen in the chart above the breakdown was as follows, 234 studied humans or human cells, 100 studied animals or animal cells, and 1 studied effects of PEMF on a plant.

To view these studies visit our PEMF Study Explorer page.

indicates where to select study subject in the pemf study search explorer
Screenshot of the search box from our PEMF Study Search Explorer

Simply select the study Subject as “human” as indicated in the screenshot above and the search will filter to only these studies for you.

You can then layer on top of the filtered “human” PEMF studies search filters for the study category, waveform, and even frequency and intensity ranges.

Who can benefit from PEMF Therapy?

Everyone can benefit from PEMF because actually all it’s doing is optimizing your own cellular functions so it isn’t like it will “work” for some, and not for others.

Some people however might “feel” the PEMF more because there are those who are more electro-magnetically sensitive than others and they may even feel they need to use a PEMF device on a lower intensity setting.

This is one reason to test out a PEMF device before you buy, or, to buy one with multiple and lower levels of intensity so you can find one that suits you best.

Personally I’ve had PEMF help me with things like muscle recovery from sports, pain relief (specifically back pain for me), reducing inflammation (which goes hand in hand with pain relief), and using before bed for better sleep. (at home I use the Healthy Wave Pro PEMF Full Size Mat).

Despite all the positive results in PEMF research, none of them showed that PEMF was a cure for any disease, just that it helps the cells to function more optimally.

What is PEMF Therapy?

PEMF therapy, or pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy, is the application of a pulsed electro-magnetic field across the body or the specific area of the body which is being treated.

Fundamentally the function is that the pulsing electro-magnetic field can assist in aligning polarities and voltage gradients of the body’s cells, and especially so in damaged or distressed cells.

We go into more details of this in the How PEMF Therapy Works section, but here we will show how a PEMF therapy is defined, and then how the 335 PEMF studies of our database are defined.

How is PEMF Defined?

How to define PEMF therapy, is really a question of, how to define its’ pulsing electro-magnetic field.

A pulsing electro-magnetic field is defined primarily by the following 3 properties: waveform shape, frequency, and intensity.

pemf waveform examples
PEMF Waveform Examples
pemf frequency examples
PEMF Frequency Examples
pemf intensity examples
PEMF Intensity Examples

All pulsed magnetic fields will have these 3 attributes, and this means that every PEMF, whether in a research study, or from a PEMF device or PEMF mat, can be classified in this manner.

How are the 335 PEMF Studies we classified defined?

As with any PEMF, every research study on PEMF is performed using a particular waveform, intensity and frequency.

In fact, we specifically focused on including research studies for our database which included this information to allow us to perform this type of macro-analysis.


Of the 335 studies in our database, 77 mentioned what waveform was used and you can see the distribution between these different types of waveforms on the chart below.

waveforms from PEMF study database
PEMF Waveforms Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

It’s clear from this chart that the most widely researched PEMF waveform is the sine wave, followed closely by a square wave.

This may be useful information to you if you are shopping for an effective PEMF device, to look for one which offers both of these waveform options.


Of the 335 PEMF studies, 302 indicated which frequency they used, and some tested multiple frequencies.

The testing of multiple frequencies in some studies is why on the chart below, you’ll count 398 studies if you add up the numbers in all of the bars.

frequency ranges of the PEMF studies
PEMF Frequency Range Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review. 
 Frequency is denoted in Hz, or Hertz, 1 Hz meaning once per second, 2 Hz being twice per second, and so on. Frequency range bands indicated along the left hand side.

The clear observation we see is that the great majority of studies were performed in the 0 to 50 Hz frequency range, followed next by the 50 to 100 Hz range.

As you saw in the Does PEMF Therapy Really Work section, studies in the low frequency range returned many positive results. This provides a helpful perspective to look for PEMF devices offering low frequencies when shopping for a PEMF device.


From the pool of the 335 studies, 249 indicated which intensity was used in their experiments, and some evaluated multiple intensities.

Adding up the number of studies indicated in each range band comes to 356 total because of these studies which tested more than one intensity.

intensity range of the pemf studies
PEMF Intensity Range Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review
Magnetic Field Intensity is denoted in Gauss with intensity range bands indicated along the left hand side.

Considering the intensity range bands it’s important to note some of the bands are wider than others.

In the 10 to 50 Gauss range 136 studies were performed as seen above, however, more than half this number, 73, were performed in just the first range band of only a single Gauss alone, from 0 to 1 Gauss.

Another way to look at this is there were 154 studies performed in a range of only 10 Gauss, from 0 to 10 Gauss, which comprises the first 3 range bands together.

Like with the distribution of frequencies tested, we can see the focus of PEMF research is looking at the lower intensity ranges and this is also where the majority of positive results are found. This makes low intensity options another important consideration when shopping for a PEMF device.

Is PEMF Safe?

Yes PEMF therapy is safe, but there are certain ranges of pulsing electro-magnetic fields which should be avoided, as we will show below.

Most importantly we should check for information from the FDA and consider the international guidelines for electro-magnetic field exposure.

We will also take a closer look at high intensity PEMF which if you have further curiosity check our full page on the topic, High Intensity PEMF.

Is PEMF FDA Approved?

The FDA has provided no blanket approval for all PEMF devices across the board, however most PEMF devices have been registered and cleared for sale using the FDA’s 510(K) pre-market authorization form.


The 510(K) form is used to determine if a product is similar enough to an already existing product such that they can verify the new product is safe without further testing. This is not the same as an FDA “approval” but it does still mean the FDA considers the product safe for the public.

You can actually search the FDA’s database of 510(K) forms to see if a device has approval, although sometimes a device may be registered under a different name than they are marketed, FDA 510(K) Database.

ICNIRP Guidelines for Electromagnetic Field Exposure

Who would have thought, but yes, there actually is an international organization which sets guidelines on what’s considered safe exposure to electro-magnetic fields in both the workplace and for the general public.

This is the ICNIRP, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, they were formed in 1992 to make safety guidelines for EMF exposure as electronic devices were becoming so common worldwide.

Non-ionizing simply means electromagnetic fields/radiation with frequencies too low to ionize atoms or molecules, this means they don’t carry enough energy to heat up body tissues. Both everyday household electronics and PEMF therapy fall into this category.

So although it doesn’t sound like the ICNIRP has much to do with PEMF, in fact their guidelines are considering the exactly the same thing, repeating or pulsing, electro-magnetic fields just like PEMF therapy.

We looked specifically at their publication on low frequencies like those used in PEMF, ICNIRP GUIDELINES FOR LIMITING EXPOSURE TO TIME‐VARYING ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS (1HZ – 100 kHZ).

From this publication we excerpted the following chart from page 12 and marked it up in red and green to make it easier to read. 

On this chart the ICNIRP shows the range of intensity and frequency they consider safe, and the upper range which is considered hazardous for extended exposure.

ICNIRP Guidelines Chart: original black & white, labeling & color lines added

I thought this was such a cool chart that I wanted to see where the operating ranges of PEMF devices would be if we drew them on top, above or below the safe range line.

I did a drawing just like this for each device on our PEMF Mats page and it’s very cool to see the differences and where each device is operating, check it out in the PEMF Mats Safety section on that page.

Now let’s look more in detail about what this chart shows us when it comes to high intensity PEMF.

Is High Intensity PEMF Safe?

High intensity PEMF hasn’t been proven as safe, or as dangerous, however if we consider the guidelines chart from the ICNIRP, then as we will see below there are certain ranges to be avoided.

The left hand axis of the chart shows intensity, or “magnetic flux density” in [T], Tesla, this is just a conversion from intensity in Gauss, like a mile to a kilometer. 

Along the bottom of the chart shows the frequency in Hertz, [Hz].

All we need to do is check where an intensity level is, and see how high (how far right) the frequency can be before it crosses over the line into the hazardous upper range.

icnirp chart with intensity indications
ICNIRP Guidelines Chart: original black & white, Gauss level indicators added

I marked a few intensity levels for easier viewing, 500 Gauss, 7 Gauss, and 3 Gauss.

The line shows us the following maximum levels of frequency for these levels of intensity,

  • 500 Gauss = 0.05 Tesla > 1 Hz max frequency
  • 7 Gauss = 0.0007 Tesla > 10 Hz max frequency
  • 3 Gauss = 0.0003 Tesla > from 40 Hz to 800 Hz max frequency

This means, at least according to the ICNIRP guidelines, that for a high intensity PEMF of 500 Gauss, the max frequency can only be 1 Hz and no more.

We saw from the 335 PEMF studies in our database, in the Results per Intensity section, that there is a huge number of positive results even in just the 0 to 1 Gauss very low intensity category, this is why personally I use a low intensity PEMF which stays well within the safe range of the ICNIRP chart.

Are EMFs Dangerous, isn’t PEMF Therapy EMFs?

You may have heard of EMF’s and that it is good to avoid them, or that they are harmful.

EMF’s are the electromagnetic fields emitted by all of our everyday electronics as well as power lines and even cell towers.

These electromagnetic fields differ from PEMF in that they are typically extremely high frequency and highly erratic as they transfer data, and in modern life we are exposed to them constantly, all day and all night.

electronic devices emf waves

PEMF therapy with its dramatically lower frequency (closer to Earth’s resonance frequency at 7.8 Hz) and uniform intensity, can restore a cell’s voltage gradient instead of disrupting it as shown in the research.

Unnatural EMF’s have raised some concerns of the possibility they disrupt the natural biology of our bodies or damage the DNA of our cells, however the current consensus around EMFs is that they aren’t overwhelmingly harmful or dangerous.

It would also likely be true to say that it would be wise to limit our exposure to EMFs in our everyday lives if we can, there are even products to help with this you can read about on our EMF Protection page.

More about the 335 PEMF Therapy Studies in the Database

The objective of creating the PEMF study database was to gather as much information as we could about the current state of the research on PEMF instead of listening to any one “authority” on the topic.

There are only so many aspects of a PEMF study which can be included in a macro-style analysis, (like frequency, intensity, waveform), so in choosing studies to include in the database this was a main screening factor.

One more such aspect was the publishing year for each study which we have in the database.

year published chart from the 335 studies
Year Published Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

It’s interesting to see that the number of PEMF studies done each year seems to follow a clear trend upwards, until the year 2020.

Hopefully the future will bring further clarity to the application of PEMF as a therapy with further research being conducted.

What information did these studies give us?

In addition to the publication year, the aspects we recorded of the PEMF studies in the database for the macro-analysis were waveform, frequency, intensity, keywords & a positive or negative result indicated.

Of the 335 studies, 77 defined the tested waveform, and the chart below will show how many included only the frequency, only the intensity, or both frequency and intensity in their write up.

PEMF Frequency & Intensity Included Chart from Health Mat Review’s study of 335 PEMF Research Studies. Copyright 2023 Health Mat Review

Of the studies which may not have included these specifics of the PEMF they tested in their write ups, when relevant we still included as they may hold interest for those searching for PEMF studies on a particular keyword or category topic.

If you are interested in filtering or looking at the studies in the database via a particular keyword or category I will show you how in this next section.

PEMF Studies Search Explorer

Here I have made a screen shot of the search box on our PEMF Study Explorer page.

As you can see, provided is a number of dropdowns which you may use to specify what sorts of studies to show in the list below.

screenshot of the pemf study explorer search filter
Pubmed PEMF Studies Search Explorer Box: screenshot from our PEMF Study Explorer page.

You could also use the simple check boxes to show only high or low frequency or intensity studies, instead of using the more specific frequency or intensity range finder drop down boxes.

Also provided is a simple text search for any type of keyword you may wish to enter, this will search through study title as well as study summary.

Where to Get PEMF Therapy

Now for perhaps a question some may be pondering, interested in PEMF therapy but not really sure where to go and get it or where to buy a device from.

Here we will show you PEMF therapy options for home including my top recommended PEMF product and our PEMF mats comparison page.

Or if you’re interested in finding a location to try out PEMF therapy for a service fee, we’ll show you our PEMF therapy directory we built to help people for this exact reason.

PEMF for Home

When it comes to PEMF therapy to use at home, I do have a favorite PEMF mat I recommend, this is the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave PEMF Mat.

Our #1 Recommended PEMF Product

image of our recommended PEMF device
Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Mat: our #1 recommended PEMF therapy for home

I have a list of specific PEMF mat evaluation criteria which I review in detail on our Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Review page, but in short it is as follows for the Multi-Wave mat:

  • PEMF Safety
    • FDA registered
    • Operates fully within the safe range of the ICNIRP chart
    • Does not provide any PEMF settings which fall outside of the safe range
  • Demonstrated in PEMF Research Studies
    • Provides PEMF settings which allow for the effective replication of many PEMF signals used in positive result PEMF research
    • These settings even allow almost exact replication of the PEMF used in the infamous Nasa Study
  • PEMF Flexibility & Custom Settings
    • 30 frequency settings all within the low frequency range band where we saw positive results in the Results Per Frequency Range section on this page
    • 5 intensity settings all within the low intensity range bands where we saw positive results in the Results Per Intensity Range section on this page
    • 2 waveforms options, sine and square, the most widely researched as seen in the Waveforms section on this page
  • Does it work for you?
    • Provides a 90 day full money back guarantee 
    • This includes for an open box and used (but like new) product, meaning you can actually try out the mat for more than a couple months to see if you like it
    • Note the customer does need to pay the return shipping cost on a returned item
  • Does the warranty back the product up?
    • Includes a 5 year warranty guarantee on the PEMF controller (the most likely component to fail in any PEMF device)
    • 2 year plus 3 month warranty on the mat itself plus extended 5 year warranty with 10-30% deductible past initial 2 year + 3 month period

If any of this interests you please read more on our Healthy Wave Multi-Wave review page as I go way into depth on each topic, or check out the product page on Healthy Wave’s website.

PEMF Mats for Home Compared

If you’re interested in seeing a few PEMF products compared against one another, including the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave mat, check out our PEMF Mats Review page.

pemf mat review page icon

On this page we look at all of my specific PEMF mat evaluation criteria and how they apply to each PEMF device being compared.

This includes the ICNIRP safety chart we looked at in above sections with the individual product PEMF operating ranges indicated.

PEMF Practitioners – Location Directory

If you’re looking to try out PEMF therapy before making any kind of purchase, you’ll need to find a local practitioner which offers PEMF as one of their on location services.

Try checking out our PEMF Therapy Directory page to see if there are any locations listed near you.

pemf location directory icon

We built this directory with the intention of including locations that offer PEMF as a service as opposed to just allowing a product test before trying to sell you a device.

If you’re just looking for a risk free way to test out PEMF therapy because you aren’t convinced it will work for you, there are some full money back return policy periods to consider. For example the 90 days you have to reconsider with Healthy Wave PEMF mats.

How much does PEMF Therapy Cost?

Usually a PEMF therapy will be in the range of $50 to $100 per session.

It is entirely dependent on the practitioner location what the cost is, however it is something to keep in the back of your mind, with $50 to $100 per visit, PEMF therapy can add up quickly to the point where it may make more sense to purchase a device for everyday home use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does PEMF Stand For?

The acronym PEMF stands for pulsed electro-magnetic field, or pulsing electro-magnetic field.

What is PEMF Therapy?

PEMF therapy is the application of a therapeutic, low intensity pulsed electro-magnetic field across the body which has been shown to help restore the voltage gradients of the body’s cells and aid them to function optimally.

What is PEMF Mat Therapy?

PEMF mat therapy is the application of a therapeutic, low intensity pulsed electro-magnetic field across the body using a mat which you lay upon. The mat produces the pulsing electro-magnetic field which has been shown to help restore the voltage gradients of the cells in the body and aid them to function optimally.

Does PEMF Therapy really work?

Yes, PEMF therapy works, at least according to the 80% positive results found from the 335 PEMF studies in our database; however, none of these 335 studies found PEMF to cure any disease. PEMF therapy works to help the cells of the body function optimally however it is not a miracle cure for anything in particular.

What does PEMF Therapy do?

PEMF therapy helps restore the voltage gradient of the cells in the human body to a correct polarity via its pulsing electro-magnetic field. The voltage gradient of a cell is important to its own function within the body and to its communication with neighboring cells in the body.

Who should NOT use PEMF therapy?

The main contraindication for the use of PEMF are for people who have pacemakers, insulin pumps or any other type of electronically controlled implant. It is possible that PEMF could interfere with the electronics of such a device. Always consult with your own physician or medical professional if you have any doubts and do not rely on advice from our website or any other website on any issue relating to your health.

What is PEMF therapy good for?

PEMF therapy can be good for: Bone healing, Pain relief, Inflammation, Brittle bones, Back pain, Cartilage growth, Arthritis, Blood flow / heart / cardio, Fractures, Tendons, Wound healing, Nerve damage, Chronic pain, and Skin healing. These topics were all among the categories where the PEMF research in our database found positive results.

How much does PEMF therapy cost?

A session of PEMF therapy at any practitioner location can run anywhere from $50 to $100 per session depending on the location.

How much does a PEMF Machine Cost?

Depending on the type of PEMF machine, smaller PEMF devices and mats can be as little as $350, larger PEMF mats can be had for $1000, still more advanced larger PEMF mats can be up to $2500 and then even up to $5000 or $6000 depending on the brand. Once you get into high intensity PEMF machine territory devices can go for anywhere from $8,000 even up to $25,000 per machine. Low intensity PEMF offers just as many benefits as the dramatically more expensive high intensity PEMF does according to the results we found from the PEMF studies in our database & describe in detail in the Results per Intensity section on this page.

Phew, that was a lot! if you made it this far down the page, then thank you for reading!

It took a lot of time, and thought to put this page together and that was only after we managed to build and classify the whole PEMF research database of 335 studies!

I really do hope its helped you, if it did, please share it with friends or family who would be interested.

Next up for more reading is check out my write up on the PEMF mat I recommend, the Multi-Wave mat for how you can replicate PEMF used in research studies at home:

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2 thoughts on “PEMF Therapy Macro-Analysis – 7 Answers from 335 PEMF Studies”

  1. Healthy Wave now has a high intensity PEMF machine. Have you reviewed it or commented on it’s safety? Thanks

    • Hi Russell,

      I haven’t yet had the chance to do an in depth review on their new high intensity PEMF mat.

      First glance though, at 12 gauss as it’s peak intensity it’s no where close to other “high intensity PEMF machines” which some go to 1000 Gauss or even some of the MagnaWave PEMF devices over 8000 Gauss.

      Off the bat, the Healthy Wave high intensity PEMF mat is operating in an entirely different realm of intensity compared to things like MagnaWave, Earthpulse, Curatron type high intensity devices, in fact in comparison to those, the 12 Gauss peak on the Healthy Wave is still super low intensity PEMF.

      I would almost classify their new high intensity PEMF mat as like, “the strongest of the low intensity PEMF devices”.

      If we look at the ICNIRP chart like I have on this page or on my high intensity PEMF page you can see there is a range which is ideal to operate under with intensity vs frequency. With higher intensity, staying in the lower frequency range makes sure we’re within that recommended exposure range per the ICNIRP.

      As some other readers have commented before, it is true that magnetic intensity drops off quickly as you move away from the source, what this means is that it would only be right at the surface of the mat that you would see the 12 Gauss peak intensity, the rest of your body would be receiving lower intensity.

      Long story short I do need to get in depth on the new mat and test it and check the frequency range with the intensity levels up close, but I can say now just by glancing at that ICNIRP chart that if you were using the lower frequency ranges like up 10Hz then you’re still well within the safe operating range on the ICNIRP with this new higher intensity PEMF mat from Healthy Wave.

      Hope that helps in the meantime till I can do something more in depth.

      Thanks for leaving the comment!



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See our Best Rated PEMF Mat!

Check out our review on the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Mat to see why we say it’s the Best PEMF Mat!

And find out how you can use the Multi-Wave mat to almost exactly replicate the Nasa PEMF Waveform!