MagnaWave Review Summary
In this MagnaWave review we will take a closer look at MagnaWave’s PEMF therapy including what research shows on the very high intensity, as well as the warranties, guarantees, pricing and where to buy MagnaWave.
MagnaWave was started in 2005 as a family business distributing/reselling PEMF devices, remains so today and appears to focus their PEMF equally on both people and veterinary applications for pets, horses & livestock.
They have a product line of 9 different PEMF devices all of which focus on delivering the maximum PEMF intensity possible and they can be combined with various additional purchase applicators as accessories.
Interestingly they are a distributor and not manufacturer of devices, and if you look around you will find numerous other websites selling the exact same products, and sometimes for less.
This includes the MagnaWave B2 which we review on this page, it is also available on numerous websites.

If you visit the PEMF Solutions web page, you’ll see some of the MagnaWave products there, PEMF Systems Inc. doesn’t show products on their page, but if you visit for instance Pulse4Life or PEMF.US you’ll see all of their products listed there.
See our detailed comparison of the Magnawave against other PEMF devices on our PEMF Mat Reviews page.
Learn more about high intensity PEMF like the MagnaWave on our High Intensity PEMF page! ↓
PEMF Therapy
- Custom Programmable
1 – Waveform Types
6 – Frequency Level Settings
500 – Device Intensity*** (Gauss)
1 – Pulse Duration Levels
***Device intensity is extremely high, even higher in 9 other MagnaWave models available
List of Therapies
- Far Infrared
- Negative Ions
- Red Light Therapy
- Crystal Therapy
Learn more about high intensity PEMF! ↓
Product Details
Starting Price
• $3,950 B2
Return Policy
• 30 Day Full
• 3 Year
• 7 More Years, $700 USD Yearly Deductible
Sizes Available
• 9 Other MagnaWave devices are available from $5,950 to $24,950
Which Product Are we Reviewing?
In this review we will consider primarily the MagnaWave B2 device, it is also known as the Regenetron and found on a number of other PEMF reseller websites, see our Production Distribution section below for more info.
The MagnaWave B2 would be the closest to an at home and personal use device, it is their lowest intensity device averaging 500 Gauss and has 8 different PEMF program settings.
All other MagnaWave devices generate even higher intensities than the B2.
Mat Construction
The MagnaWave B2 is the only MagnaWave product which comes with a mat applicator however unlike most PEMF products the MagnaWave mat applicator is not a full body mat.
Other MagnaWave products come with a simple loop and/or butterfly loop as their PEMF applicators.
The majority of other MagnaWave devices can be used with a mat like the B2, though this would be purchased as an additional accessory.
The B2 comes with a paddle/pad applicator and a mat, and the mat is only 18” x 23” so it is more like a spot applicator as it cannot provide full body coverage.
What To Look Out For With Vendors
The main sales channels for MagnaWave is their home website and Amazon.
What most people aren’t aware of is that because MagnaWave is a reseller of PEMF products and put their own private label on the products, these same devices can be purchased from many different sales avenues.
We list the other distributors we were able to find of the same products in our Production & Distribution section further below, but as with any other large expense purchase we encourage you to check around on pricing as well as who may offer the best customer service.
Sometimes purchasing a lightly used PEMF device also makes good sense when you compare pricing, though MagnaWave appears to keep their products off of eBay, the more common PMT120, the same product as the MagnaWave Maxx, can more easily be found.
MagnaWave Therapies
MagnaWave sells PEMF only devices and doesn’t offer any additional therapies integrated into their devices.
Reasons for considering MagnaWave PEMF therapy or any PEMF therapy for that matter are quite wide ranging as PEMF has been shown to be beneficial for such a wide variety of ailments in addition to simply keeping in good health.
Interestingly many of these benefits we see from PEMF can also be realized from far infrared therapy and you may wish to consider combining both therapies in to your health routines.
- Far Infrared
- Negative Ions
- Red Light Therapy
- Crystal Therapy
Combining PEMF with Far Infrared Therapy
Far infrared is also a well known therapy which can greatly benefit a regular health routine.
As said in the studies linked to the right, not only is far infrared excellent for pain management, improving circulation (a primary benefit people look for from PEMF), and muscle recovery among other benefits, it also increases the body’s immune system resilience against viruses & flus.
Read more on the Benefits of Far Infrared, and the Benefits of Negative Ions on our web pages.
MagnaWave PEMF Therapy
Most PEMF brands have a particular goal in terms of what they aim to deliver with their PEMF device or product.
For instance the EarthPulse as a high intensity sleep enhancer, the Bemer mat as a micro-circulation enhancer, or the Healthy Wave MultiWave to provide an encompassing spectrum of PEMF based exclusively on effective research studies.
The MagnaWave goal aims to deliver PEMF therapy of the highest intensity possible with their devices for people and animals.
MagnaWave explains the difference as that both low intensity PEMF and high intensity PEMF are beneficial, only the high intensity PEMF can deliver these same benefits much more rapidly than low intensity but they do not offer any evidence with this statement (other than their anecdotal stories).
We look further into the research provided on their website to see if there is any evidence to support their high intensity devices.
There is a research section on MagnaWave’s website with a couple pages of articles, so we went here to find what we thought would be high intensity PEMF studies compared to low intensity PEMF studies to show their effectiveness.
The first thing that we noticed is that it seems all or almost all of the articles are double posted.
2 Nasa PEMF Posts from Same Nasa Study
For instance there are 2 posts about the same Nasa PEMF article which uses ultra low intensity (0.010 – 0.200 Gauss):
Nasa on PEMF Stimulating Growth & Repair
Nasa on Stimulating Growth & Repair
Link to the actual Nasa study: Nasa PEMF Study, Square Wave, 10Hz, 0.01 – 0.2 Gauss
Interestingly there is one device in the PEMF world that provides configuration which allows you to replicate the same 10Hz, Square wave as used in the Nasa study, this is the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Mat which allows sine and square wave configurations from 1-25Hz and adjustable intensity up to 3 Gauss.
2 Osteoarthritis Posts from Same Study
There are also 2 osteoarthritis postings with nearly the same name of the article, both referencing the same study using a Centurion EZY PEMF device (intensity unlisted):
Pilot Study: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT) Alleviates Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
Pilot Study: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Alleviates Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
3 Ozone & PEMF Posts from Same Study
Or the 3 ozone and PEMF study articles, all referencing the same study which used a MagnaWave device at 60 Gauss which is far lower than even the lowest intensity MagnaWave B2 at 500 Gauss average (intensity as noted in the translated study document here Pemf Clinical Knee Cuba):
PEMF and Ozone in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
MagnaWave and Ozone in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
MagnaWave Study for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis (SPANISH JOURNAL OF OZONE THERAPY)
Single Listed Post - Veterinary Application of PEMF
One article which wasn’t double listed was,
Veterinary Application of Pulsed Magnetic Fields
This particular article lists a number of studies, (and doesn’t provide links to them which is bothersome, however they can be found by searching Google), we searched and found each study and of 7 total only 2 noted the intensities used in the studies.
The studies which did include intensity were the following,
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields in Experimental Cutaneous Wound Healing in Rats
The first study used very low intensities of 0.3 Gauss, 3 Gauss, and 30 Gauss.
The second study used an intensity of 200 Gauss, still far lower than the lowest intensity MagnaWave machine, the B2 using 500 Gauss.
After reviewing the research articles written up on MagnaWave’s webpage we have not been able to locate any reasoning for the use of the extreme intensities their devices are designed to provide.
The majority of research we have found on PEMF therapy is in the low intensity range, see our page on What is the Best PEMF Therapy?, where we tabelize 56 different PEMF studies along with their frequency, intensity, waveform and what results they achieved to get a better picture what ranges of PEMF are safe and effective.
In the case of the research we found and compiled, none are within the extreme high range that the MagnaWave provides.
What Kind of PEMF Does MagnaWave Use?
PEMF is defined by a standard 3 attributes, the waveform, the intensity, and the frequency of this waveform and intensity.
Each MagnaWave device will be slightly different, and primarily the difference with MagnaWave devices is in how much intensity the device can provide.
Many PEMF devices will very openly list on their product page the exact waveform, frequency and intensity so that you can get an easy clear picture of what their device offers, however with MagnaWave this isn’t quite the case.
These numbers are not listed on the product pages directly and you’ll often need to sift through various long form video content to try and catch a glimpse of an answer.
However, if you check another one of the resellers of these same products, for instance on the Regeneration website, they list all the frequencies and intensities for each product in a table.
The MagnaWave B2 is the only device on their webpage that has some of this information listed on the product specifications page itself.
The MagnaWave waveform you’ll need to find by visiting their FAQ page as it isn’t listed with any devices.
It’s listed as a rectangular or square wave which “rings” out with sawtooth waves.
While we’re not exactly sure how this would actually appear on an oscilloscope to show waveform shape, we do know what a square wave and a sawtooth wave look like.
By their definition we can assume that the pulse starts as a rectangular/square wave and then subsides into a sawtooth form.
The frequency for all the devices except for the MagnaWave B2 aren’t listed, though for the more powerful devices there are typically fewer frequencies available, from 3 to 10 settings.
The MagnaWave B2 provides frequencies from 0.5-100Hz, but these are delivered through 8 different programs and aren’t individually selectable.
The B2 includes settings for frequencies at the different brain wavelengths, including Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma along with “sweep” programs which operate between these different frequency wavelengths.
They include a setting which works with all the programs called “Subtle Energy Therapy” but they don’t clarify anywhere what this actually is.
One thing we would note is that the average Gamma brain wave length, although ranging from 25Hz to 100Hz, is typically around 40Hz and we have heard cases of people feeling high levels of stress or anxiety when using higher frequency brain wave lengths.
Brain Wavelength Frequencies
0.5Hz – 4Hz – Deep Sleep
4Hz – 8Hz – Light Sleep
8Hz – 14Hz – Relaxed & Alert
14Hz – 30Hz – Alert
25Hz – 100Hz – Alert
This is because when the body is in fight or flight mode, in a dangerous situation, the brain frequency jumps up, the heart rate increases, your body is preparing to save itself from this situation.
When higher frequency PEMF is applied, most commonly above 30Hz, but sometimes even as low as 25Hz depending on how sensitive the individual, you may experience these same physiological responses, heart rate increase, high feeling of stress or anxiety, clammy hands, a very uncomfortable feeling.
These symptoms can take a while to subside as the brain will need to calm down into its normal operating frequency range in the Alpha and Beta wavelength range.
Every individual will react differently to these frequencies, though this author can say that having spent 10 minutes on a device operating even at 30Hz resulted in uncomfortable levels of awareness, alertness and stress which I’d only previously experienced in adrenaline rush dangerous circumstances.
We would recommend using these frequency levels with caution and slowly increasing to them if you have not tried them before.
The MagnaWave B2 doesn’t have any way to adjust the intensity, only different frequency programs.
The average intensity applied by the device through the programs is 500 Gauss, although they don’t note whether some programs are less or more intense, simply that on average it applies 500 Gauss.
The most powerful MagnaWave machine, the Maia Duo, applies up to 10,000 Gauss, so much that you can feel its applicator “thud” through the body.
They state on the MagnaWave B2 page that the B2 has nearly 15 times more intensity power than the closest competitor.
The question still remains for us,
With no research to show more intensity is better or even safe, why do we want to use such high intensity?
We recommend checking out our page on High Intensity PEMF to see what none of these high intensity brands are telling us before considering using or purchasing a high intensity PEMF device.
We went and made a table out of 56 PEMF research studies which we found on the PubMed website on our page, What is the Best PEMF Therapy?
In our research compilation we did not find any studies which indicated that higher intensity PEMF would be more effective.
In fact we did come across an article titled, How electromagnetic fields can influence adult stem cells: positive and negative impacts, which reviewed multiple PEMF studies and found that,
“The only study using a sinusoidal EMF [38] in which a higher intensity of EMF was used (20 mT) did not show any significant effect on osteogenic differentiation. Additionally, the authors observed a decrease in MSC growth and metabolism. Importantly, we have to remember that higher intensities of the EMF may result in microthermal processes as well as the generation of eddy currents; therefore, besides the EMF, we have to take into account additional stimulatory factors. Additionally, we suppose that stress/oxidative stress may be a very important factor”
Thus far the research literature has not supported higher intensity as being any kind of key factor in PEMF effectiveness, if you happen to know of research refuting this we would be grateful for the sharing of that information! Check out our Contact Us page.
Prices & Sizes
MagnaWave sells 10 different devices in total which appear to be manufactured by PEMF Systems Inc. and PEMF Solutions.
Typically the differences between the devices are how high the intensity is, how many frequency settings, and if the device is an analog or digital PEMF generator.
The only device which is really for home use is the MagnaWave B2, the rest of the devices are so expensive and of such high intensity that they appear to be intended for clinical use only (though we’re still looking for research to show us why high intensity is a good idea).
Most of the devices actually come in two types, either the suitcase style for travel or in the office edition which is more of a table top style unit.
All devices use loop applicators except for the B2 which uses small pad applicators, none of the MagnaWave machines use a full body applicator, however you may purchase a full body “Oasis Mat” applicator accessory for an additional $2,650 in addition to the cost of the PEMF machine.
MagnaWave Semi 3
- $5,950 USD
MagnaWave Semi 5
- $6,950 USD
MagnaWave Sol
- $7,950 USD
MagnaWave Vesta Duo
- $12,950 USD
MagnaWave B2
- $3,950 USD
MagnaWave Pulse Pro
- $12,950 USD
MagnaWave Julian
- $14,950 USD
MagnaWave Maxx
- $20,950 USD
MagnaWave Maia
- $20,950 USD
MagnaWave Maia Duo
- $24,950 USD
Certifications, Production, Distribution
The MagnaWave website states that the MagnaWave devices are third party safety tested, and have the CE marking.
Despite stating in multiple locations on the website that their devices are third party safety tested, they do not mention even once who or what testing body or company has done this testing or how they have tested it.
We find it especially curious that they would say the device is safety tested but never reveal by whom or how, especially when considering such high priced products.
The CE marking means “Conformity European”, actually a French term which is why these words are backwards and not European Conformity.
Effectively the CE marking means that they have put the electronics of their devices together within regulation format, ie, it wont fizzle out or explode because of faulty wiring.
The CE marking allows a company to sell their devices in the European markets.
Interestingly a company can simply stamp their devices with the CE marking and actually are not required to have it tested by anyone or any testing body. It’s unclear what the case is with the MagnaWave, though with the price point of their products it seems likely that they have followed all wiring and electronics guidelines.
Read more about the CE marking here, on Wikipedia, CE marking.
MagnaWave FDA Approval
The MagnaWave is not FDA “approved” however they say on their website that it is currently undergoing the approval process on their devices.
Typically however, any type of therapeutic or medical device is not required to have FDA “approval” rather just clearance via the FDA 510(K) form.
The FDA 510(K) form is basically the FDA’s way of streamlining devices to be cleared for sale in the USA.
Effectively what the 510(K) form determines, is whether a device falls into a category of devices which are already deemed as safe for the public use. If that’s the case, then they receive their 510(K) form and are legally allowed to market and sell their device in the USA.
Anyone can actually go and search the FDA’s 510(K) form database to see if there have been any submissions of a device and when we searched for the MagnaWave none came up.
Time will tell if they ever receive FDA clearance or approval, but as of now it doesn’t appear as if the process has been started.
Production & Distribution
Through quite a lot of digging around the internet we were able to realize that MagnaWave is a distributor and not a manufacturer, they actually say this on their web page Is MagnaWave a Distributor or Manufacturer?
We found after looking around for quite some time that it appears PEMF Systems Inc is the main manufacturer and PEMF Solutions manufacturers the SOL and Pulse Pro systems for MagnaWave.
These companies appear to do their manufacturing in the USA, and have a number of resellers. It is quite apparent to see when you compare photos from the different websites. We’ve included a couple snapped photos below for you to see.
The MagnaWave products do have their own branding on the devices and this is called “private labeling” where the manufacturer will put their brand on the device for them.
Each of these resellers sells the same device though all of their businesses are separate entities with different levels of customer service. It could be that MagnaWave offers the best customer service, they certainly have the best branding of any of the other resellers. Make your own choices and try to find a balance between pricing and good customer support.
We’ll list some of the websites here such that you can see the other companies distributing the same devices as MagnaWave.
Most all other resellers sell the same Maxx device as MagnaWave, called the PMT 120, we’ve only listed the most reputable looking business, Healthy To Be and they appear to be a few hundred dollars less expensive than the MagnaWave.
Same as the Maxx and various other MagnaWave products, there are a number of resellers that stock these devices. We’ve provided a link for comparison on the Healthy To Be website as they appear to be the most reputable alongside MagnaWave.
Warranty & Guarantee
MagnaWave offers a guarantee period of 30 days from receipt of the product.
This means that if within 30 days of having received the product that if you are unhappy with it for any reason, so long as it is still in like new condition, then you will be able to return it.
You will still pay a restocking fee, and the shipping to return the device in this case.
This is the same policy as offered by the other resellers of PEMF Systems and PEMF Solutions, and it appears that the 30 day return period is the policy offered by the manufacturer which MagnaWave then passes on to customers.
A 30 day guarantee period is similar to other well known PEMF products like the Bemer mat and Healthy Wave Multiwave mat.
The warranty period for MagnaWave products is 3 years, this means that if there are any defects in workmanship that you can receive a new or refurbished product in place of your faulty device.
First however you will be required to ship the product back to the manufacturer so that they can check whether or not it was a manufacturer defect or if it was broken through abuse or otherwise.
If and only if it is determined to be a manufacturer defect will the warranty be valid.
This 3 year warranty appears to be the same for all resellers of the PEMF Systems and PEMF Solutions products which MagnaWave will also pass on to its customers.
It does look like MagnaWave takes their warranty on the high ticket products a step further which is to offer an additional 7 year warranty (so long as the issue is due to manufacturer defect) which states that you wont need to pay more than $700 a year to repair your machine.
Where to Buy
MagnaWave has a couple sales avenues, and this includes their home webpage along with also selling on Amazon.
You can also check out eBay to see if there are any deals coming up.
MagnaWave sells the same products as a number of other PEMF distributors, some of which have better pricing on these very high ticket products.
After checking through these other distributor’s websites, we have still not seen anyone provide any research based evidence of the benefits of using such high intensity with their devices and have only found studies which demonstrate an increased intensity can be detrimental.
This is why we recommend the Healthy Wave Multi-Wave Mat as our top recommended PEMF product as the PEMF it provides is based directly from research studies and is at a safe therapeutic level of intensity, and in addition you benefit from far infrared, negative ions and red light therapy with the Healthy Wave product.
If you’re looking still to buy a MagnaWave device, we recommend that you check out the resellers also as with some of these items being priced at up to $25,000 USD, it will be well worth the time to shop around, just like if you were to be shopping for a new car.
Good luck and if you have any questions or further info which we can add to our review please get in touch on our Contact Us page!
We hope our review of the Magnawave has been helpful & informative to you, and if so please drop us a comment below or share it with your friends!