Looking for an Amethyst Biomat near you?
You’re in the right place, select your state from the map above, or from the list below and see the listings for practitioners using an Richway Biomat in your area!
If you’re looking to learn more about the Biomat, including everything from about the brand to pricing and return policies, check out our Biomat Review page.
To see all of the locations for our different directories check out the main Locations page.
Please note that Health Mat Review is not affiliated with any of the practitioners using a Biomat in our directory.
This directory simply includes all the locations we could find that offer amethyst Biomat sessions as a service at their location, meaning you can have an amethyst Biomat session, without the requirement of purchasing the device.
If you found our directory helpful, let us know in the comments below, it took a lot of work to build so we want to know if it helps!
Our Biomat Directory Explained
Amethsyt Biomat State Directories
I have had my Biomat for almost 10 years and recently it stopped heating up. The warranty is not very good and it’s really not worth sending back. I would rather try to repair it and wonder if you have any suggestions for replacement parts? Thank you.
Dee~Dee Glasgow
Hi Dee~Dee!
I’m sorry, I’m really not sure where to direct you for replacement Biomat parts.
Two things I could mention are that I do know that SOME Biomat distributors do have a repair program, a paid one, which you could try looking for a distributor on Google and phoning a few to see what your repair cost and options might be.
For trying things yourself, the only place I can think to check for parts would be eBay actually, many times you’ll find people selling bits and pieces of things there and you MIGHT be able to find a part you need.
Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.
Good luck, let me know if you find a good place to go for parts so we can let others know as well 🙂